

Web Site Author

IInterests of Today

Photo of Lumbees


Olivia's Genealogy Site:

 This Web page is based on research of records known to be valid from  State records,  Federal records, manuscripts, and private papers. This topic is written about Dollie Lowry the mother of the web owner.




It was her life-line to her world for the last 90 years.  The small black leather purse with its two handles whose leather seams had been split by her firm grip as if holding on to her life’s story as it had unfolded over the years.  Through the gaping seams could be seen the frayed white threads that only life with its years filled with intense joys and sorrows can reveal.


Outside of the purse was a semi-circle zippered pouch which she opened and stared at as the cover fell to one side.  Her eyes moved from side to side and then up and down as she surveyed the site.  There was nothing there!!  Things had been so simple for her years ago.  Now there was a place for credit cards!  Why?  To her and her generation if you didn’t have the money to shop, you didn’t shop!  The cell phone pocket?  Why?  Perhaps for emergencies or otherwise save phone conversations for private places and try to make that home.  Family pictures?  None!  She carried them in her heart!


Slowly she closed the zipper with her twisted arthritic fingers and reached for the smooth tab that closed the top of her purse and pulled it open.  Inside running through the middle was another zippered enclosure and on each side was an opening filled with her special treasures.  On one side her well worn brown wallet rested.  Just as she had done so many times before, she lifted it out and placed it on the kitchen table before her as she gently placed her black purse on the floor.  She turned and reached for her wallet.  Her eyes glowed with expectation as she opened it and began to look at her history.  From the first section she pulled out cards that she had received recently from her friends back home in North Carolina.  She looked at each one quickly and then slowly as she turned each one from side to side as if she were looking for validation of who she was and still is.  First, she looked at a picture card which showed a younger version of herself when she was living in North Carolina and needed it to drive.  For a while she kept turning and rubbing it and then looked up and stared into space for a long time.  What memories there must have seen racing through her mind!!


Was she thinking about my father and her rearing a family on the farm in North Carolina?  Did her thoughts wander through the years and then stop to capture special moments in time?  Was she remembering her 6 year old daughter as she watched her prepare breakfast for the family and how she followed her around the kitchen to learn how to cook and so much more?  Did she know that in time that 6 year old would become an adult and know that her mother had taught her more than how to cook -----she taught her how to live a good Christian life!!


Was she thinking about all of the years that she taught the 3-5 year olds in Sunday School class and the way they showed what they learned?  Was she thinking about the lessons that the children were taught?   One of them was to give tithes and offerings to God.  Was she thinking about the little 3 year old girl whose parents forgot to give her coins for the offering basket?  The child was taught to give and she had seen adults writing out checks for the offering.  She spotted a crayon and found a piece of paper and with much love and determination in her face she wrote out her check and put it in the basket when it came to her.


She knew that the most important way to teach is to teach by example and SHE DID!






Web Site Author

Interests of Today

Photo of Lumbees
