Olivia's Genealogy Site: Gilchrist , Atkins, Atkinson
This Web page is based on research of records known to be valid from State records, Federal records, manuscripts, and private papers. These records are land records, wills, and financial transactions center on the roots of the |
Gilchrist , Atkins, Atkinson ATKINS 1717, David Atkins was listed in Chowan Co., N.C. as a taxpayer. N.C. Taxpayers 1701-1786. 1721, David Atkins was listed in Chowan Co., N.C. as a taxpayer. N.C. Taxpayers 1701-1786. 1769, Elisha Atkins was listed in Craven Co., N.C. as a taxpayer. N.C. Taxpayers 1701-1786. 1771, James Atkins was listed as a taxpayer in Onslow Co., N.C. N.C. Taxpayers 1679-1790 Vol II. 1778, May 26: John Atkins is mentioned in Bladen Co., N.C. 1781, Silas Atkins was listed as a taxpayer in Bladen Co., N.C. N.C. Taxpayers 1701-1786. 1782, John Atkins was listed as a taxpayer in Brunswick Co., N.C. N. C. Taxpayers 1679-1790 Vol. II. 1783, James Atkins was listed as a taxpayer in Halifax Co., N.C. N.C. Taxpayers 1679-1790, Vol. II. 1784, James Atkins was listed as a taxpayer in Bladen Co., N.C. N.C. Taxpayers 1679-1790, Vol. II. 1784, Joel Atkins is listed as a taxpayer in Bladen Co., N.C. N. C. Taxpayers 1679-1790, Vol. II. 1784, Rodham Atkins is listed as a taxpayer in Warren Co., N.C. N.C. Taxpayers 1679-1790, Vol. II. 1784, Silas Atkins is listed as a taxpayer in Bladen Co., N.C. N.C. Taxpayers 1679-1790, Vol. II. 1784, Thomas Atkins is listed as a taxpayer in Warren Co., N.C. N.C. Taxpayers 1679-1790, Vol. II. 1786, William Atkins is listed as a taxpayer in Caswell Co., N.C. N.C. Taxpayers 1679-1790, Vol. II. 1787, Aug.: 73: SILAS ATKINS enters 100 ac on E side of Aarons Swamp; between Mary McGee’s and James Johnston’s. Robeson Co., N.C. Land Entries 1787-1795. 1787, Nov. 13: 162: SILAS ATKINS enters 22 ac on both sides of Back Swamp; border: John Bullard. Robeson Co., N.C. Land Entries 1787-1795. 1788, Aug. 10: SILAS ATKINS to “loving Friend” Mary McGee, 10 Aug. 1788; Dog, two tracts: (1) 300 acres on a Branch of Ashpole. pat. by Aron Odom 10 Oct., 1735, & (2) 200 acres lying bet. Back Swamp & Jas. J. Johnstone’s survey. Wit.: Elias Barnes & Wm. \Odom. (A-200/201). J. Barnes C.C. 1780, June 1: SILAS ATKINS is mentioned in Bladen Co., N.C. as having 100 acres near Thomas Smith. 1788, July: LG #45 to SILAS ATKINS, 100 A. on Odom’s Swamp, adj lines of Johnston and Mary Magee and his own line. Pat.---July 1788. (H-138/139). April Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1788, July 12: Ephraim Jones to Mary McGee, 9 July 1792; L40, 100 A. on Es of Arons Swamp, adj Johnston, Mary McGee, and his own line, pat. by SILAS ATKINS 12 JULY 1788, cov. by ATKINS to Ephraim Jones on 6 May 1791. Wit: Elias Barnes and Elizabeth Barnes. (C-97/98). April Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1789, Nov. 26: LG #160 to SILAS ATKINS, 72 A. on the Ss of the Back Swamp., near J---Bullard’s lower line, adj ATKINSON’S line. Pat. 26 Nov. 1789. (H-138). April Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1790, Oct. 16: James Bullard to SILAS ATKINS, 16 Oct. 1790; L60, 100 A. on both sides of Arons Swamp, pat. by James Bullard on 1 May 1789. Wit: Elias Barnes and Robert Campton. (C-197/198) April Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1792, Sept. 12: 994: SILAS ATKINS enters 200 ac on SW side of Back Swamp; between Simon Willis and his own line. Robeson Co. N. C. Land Entries 1787-1795. 1792 995: SILAS ATKINS enters 200 ac on both sides of Back Swamp border: Simon Willis and near or joins his own line; includes John Moore’s hog pen. 1792 996: SILAS ATKINS enters 100 ac; border: near his own line; includes Low’s Island. 1792 997: SILAS ATKINS enters 100 ac on E side of Back, near Jacks Ford, and on both sides of Ciprus Br. 1792, Sept. 18: 1000: Elias Barnes esq enters 200 ac on Back Swamp; border: his own line and SILAS ATKINS. Robeson Co. N.C. Land Entries 1787-1795. 1794, April 8: SILAS ATKINS to Elias Barnes, 8 April 1794; L10, 100 A. on Drowning Creek, it being the moyety of a 200 A. tract pat. by sd SILAS ATKINS and Elias Barnes jointly on the Ss of Drowning Creek, near Charity O’Quin’s line, pat. by sd SILAS ATKINS and Elieas Barnes on 12 July 1788. Wit: J. Barnes and R. Haills. (D-254/255) April Term 1794: J. Barnes, C.C. 1794, July 1: SILAS ATKINS (Planter) to Nicholas McLauchlan, 1 July 1794; L100, 100 A. on Ss of Drowning Creek on both sides of Turkey branch, near John Jackson’s improvement, pat. dtd 12 Nov. 1779 by A----, surveyed by Elias Barnes. Wit: Dugald McMillian and John (?) McLacklan. (H-124/125). January Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1794, Nov. 12: LG #1559 to SILAS ATKINS, 600 A. on Ashpole and on both sides of Aarons Swamp, adj his 400 A. survey on Aarons Swamp. Ent. 12 Nov. 1794; Pat. ---June 1797. (H-136). April Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1794, Nov. 12: 1956 (701): SILAS ATKINS enters 600 ac; border and “partly running round” where he lives. Robeson Co., N.C. Land Entries 1787-1795. 1794, Dec 1: 1962 (707): Simon Willis enters 100 ac on Back Swamp; border: his own line and SILAS ATKINS. Robeson Co., N.C. Land Entries 1787-1795. 1794, Dec. 17: LG#938 to Elias Barnes, 300 A. on both sides of the Middle back Swamp, adj. his 150 A. Survey and SILAS ATKINS, pat. 17 Dec 1794. (F-9) ROBESON COUNTY N.C. DEED ABSTRACTS DEED BOOK F 1796-1797. 1794, Dec. 17: LG #934 to SILAS ATKINS, 200 A. on both sides of Back Swamp, adj. Simon willis and his own line, pat. dtd 17 Dec. 1794. (F-129) ROBESON COUNTY, N.C. DEED ABSTRACTS DEED BOOK F 1796-1797. 1794, Dec. 17: LG #943 to SILAS ATKINS, 200 A. on Sws of Back Swamp, adj. Simon Willis and his own line, pat. dtd 17 Dec. 1794. (F-130) ROBESON COUNTY, N.C. DEED ABSTRACTS DEED BOOK F 1796-1797. 1794, Dec. 17: LG #947 to SILAS ATKINS, 100 A. on both sides of the little back Swamp, include. LOWERIES ISLAND, adj. his own line, pat. 17 Dec. 1794. (F-130) ROBESON COUNTY, N.C. DEED ABSTRACTS DEED BOOK F 1796-1797. 1794, Dec. 1: LG #1507 to Simon Willis, 100 A. on both sides of Little Back Swamp adj SILAS ATKINS and his own line. Ent. 1 Dec. 1794; Pat. 30 June 1797. (H-148/149). July Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1794, Dec.: LG #1158 to Simon Willis, 100 A. bet. the Big----Swamp, adj SILAS ATKINS and Elias Barnes and his other line. Pat. --Dec. 1794. (H-146/147). July Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1794, Dec. 7: LG #1095 to Simon Willis 150 A. on Sws of the Back Swamp, adj SILAS ATKINS’ improvement. Ent. 7 July----; Pat. 7 Dec. 1794. (H-147/148). July Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1794, Dec. 17: LG #953 to SILAS ATKINS, 100 A. on Nes of Back Swamp bet. the Cypress Branch and Jacks ford, pat. 17 Dec 1794. (F-131) ROBESON COUNTY, N.C. DEED ABSTRACTS DEED BOOK F 1796-1797. 1795: Dugald McMillin (Richmond Co.) to SILAS ATKINS (Rob. Co.), dtd 1795: L50, parcel of land in RobCo on Arons Swampm originally pat. by James Johnston in 1775, and transferred from sd Johnston by a Warrantee Deed to Dugald McMillin. Wit: Daniel McPhaul and John Campbell. (E-144/145.146) April Term 1795: J.Barnes, C.C. 1795, March 13: LG #1795 to SILAS ATKINS, 20 A. on Aarons Swamp, adj Aaron Odoms line and his own line. Ent. 13 March 1795; Pat. 2 Dec. 1797. (H-137). April Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1795, March 17: JESSE ATKINSON/ATKINS to Samuel Britt, 17 March 1795: L20, 100 A. on Es of the old field Swamp and lower side of Turkey Branch, being part of 300 A. purchased of Wm. Towler, adj. Arthur Lamb and sd JESSE ATKINS, pat. dtd 10 Oct. 1789. Signed JESSE ATKINSON. Wit: Andrew Fulmore and Alexander Rhymes. (E-451/452) January Term 1795: J. Barnes, C.C. 1795, April 6: Mary McGee to SILAS ATKINS, 6 April 1795: L40, 100 A. on the Es of Arons Swampm adj. Johnston and the confluence of his line and back Pit Branch. Wit: Sion Alford, James(?), and John Young. (E-116?117) April Term 1795: J. Barnes, C.C. 1795, Sept. 18: LG #1345 to SILAS ATKINS, 200 A. on Sws of Dreoning Creek, on little Back Swamp, adj. Simon Willis and his own line, pat. 18 Sept. 1795. (F-131) ROBESON COUNDTY, N.C. DEED ABSTRACTS DEED BOOK F 1796-1797. 1795, Dec. 3: LG#1249: to Elias Barnes, 660 A. on Sws of Drowning Creek and both sides of Back Swamp, adj. SILAS ATKINS, his own line, little back Swamp, Bests Bluff, and Jackson’s Corner at Creel’s Bluff (include. 300 A. previously entered). pat. 3 Dec. 1795. (F014) ROBESON COUNTY, N.C. DEED ABSTRACTS DEED BOOK F 1796-1797. 1797, July 4: SILAS ATKINS to Elias Barnes, 4 July 1797; L16, 100 A. on Ss of Drowning Creek and Ss of Back Swamp in the Long Island, sd land pat. bu sd Silas Atkins on 7 Nov. 1784. Wit: Albritton Drake and Silas Drake. (G-126/127) July Term 1797: J. Barnes , C.C. 1797, July 4: Elias Barnes to SILAS ATKINS, 4 July 1797: L12, 100 A. on Es of Back Swamp adj Cypress Branch, pat. grntd to Thomas Ard dtd 26 Nov 1729. Wit: Albritton Drake and Silas Drake. (G-124/125) July term 1797: J. Barnes, C.C. 1797, February 10: Robert Haills (Sheriff) to SILAS ATKINS, 10 Feb 1797; 100 A. land Sheriff Sale. Result of an Execution issuing from the County Court to Robeson against the administration of Jacob Odom, Dec’d of Rob. Co. for L40 (recovered by Mary McGee). Sheriff to cause to be made sum to satisfy sd Execution which was levied on 100 A. land lying on McGees Branch beloning to the estate of sd Jacob Odom, Dec’d. Land advertised and public sale held on 2 Jan 1797 at which time SILAS ATKINS became the last and highest bidder at L3. No wit. listed. (G-129/130) July Term 1797: J. Barnes, C.C. 1797, Jan 3: WILLIAM ATKINS (Georgetown District, S.C.) to John Willis (Rob. Co.), 3 Jan 1797; L5, 50 A. on Raft Swamp bet. the sd Willises Mill Lands and Francis Calvin’s lands, the tract of land whereon JAMES ATKINS formerly lived and whereon Thomas Jackson the Miller now lives, bound by John Willis on the upper and back side, Francis Calvin on the lowere side, and Jacob Rhodes on Es. Wit: Isam Ivey and Auston Ivey. (G-130/131) July Term 1797: J. Barnes, C.C. 1797, June 30: LG #1705 to William Moore, Junr., 100 A. bet. Ashpole and Aaron Swamp, adj SILAS ATKINS and his line. Ent. 6 Jan 1795; Pat. 30 June 1797. (I78/79). July Term 1799: J. Barnes, C.C. 1797, Nov 11: Simon Willis (planter) to Silas Drake, 11 Nov 1797; $290, 150 A. on Sws of the Back Swamp, above SILAS ATKINS’ Improvement. Wit: Neill Brown and Sampson Bridgers. (H-288/289). July Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1797, Nov. 11: Simon Willis to Silas Drake, 11 Nov. 1797; L100, 100 A. bet. the Big and little Back Swamp, adj line of SILAS ATKINS and Elias Barnes, pat. dtd 18 Dec. 1794. Wit: Neil Brown and Sampson Bridgers. (H-290/291). July Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C. 1799, Jam 30: Ephraim Jones (South Carolina) to SILAS ATKINS ( Rob. Co.), 30 Jan 1799; L175, 100A. on McGees Branch “it being the North Eastward end of a survey beginning at a line of marked trees which divides the said two hundred acres in the middle between John McGee and Mary McGee and runs ....” adj James Johnston’s corner; it being pat. by sd Mary McGee dtd 12 Nov 1799 and also part of a 3 A. survey pat. by Aaron Odom dtd 8 Oct. 1755...a branch which divides survey between Mary McGee lands and part of sd land which was sold unto Saml. Bridgers. Wit: Sion Alford and James Alford. Dee proved in open court by oath of Silas Alford. (I-59/60) July Term 1799: J. Barnes, C.C. 1800 Census in Robeson Co., N.C. Silas Atkins 1 over 45; 2 over 45; 12 slaves p. 359. Listed as White. ATKINSON 1787, Nov. 20: 166: SAMUEL ATKINSON enters 50 ac on Hog Swamp; border: William Thompson. Robeson Co., N.C. Land Entries 1787-1795. 1792, Nov 1: William Thompson to Edward Britt, 1 Nov 1792: L50, 100 A. on Ws of Drwoning Creek and Ws of Hogg Swamp and Es of Ashpole, adj. his old upper line and Arthur Lamb. Wit: Sion Alford and SAMUEL ATKINSON. (D-246/ 247/248) April Term 1794: J. Barnes, C.C. 1794, Dec 17: LG #1031 to JOSEPH ATKINSON, 100 A. on Es of Hogg Swamp, adj lines of Jesse Lee and Luke Carter. Pat. 17 Dec 1794. (I-74/75). July Term 1799: J. Barnes, C.C. 1795, Sept. 18: LG #1344 to WILLIAM ATKINSON, 50 A. in Hogg Swam0p include. his mill and part of his mill pond, adj his line. Pat. 18 Sept. 1795. (I-72). July Term 1799: J. Barnes, C.C. 1797, June 30: LG #1603 to WILLIAM ATKINSON, 486 A. on SEs of Hogg Swamp adj his 400 A. tract bought of Lee and lines of Purvis, Ivey and Lee. Four entries: 315l and 152 Ent. 11 Nov 1793, #97 on 24 Aug 1793 and #264 on 28 April 1794. Pat. 30 June 1797. (I70?71) July Term 1799: J. Barnes, C.C. 1797, July 19: LG #1756 to WILLIAM ATKINSON, 100 A. on Es of Hogg Swamp include. a part of his Mill pond, adj hjis old Survey above his Mill and adj Purvis and land bought of Toler. Ent. 11 Nov 1793; Pat. 19 July 1797. (I-71/72) . July Term 1799: J. Barnes, C.C. 1798, April 18: Simon Willis to Silas Drake, 18 April 1798; L20, 100A. on the back Swamp adj lines of SILAS ATKINSON (or ATKINS). Wit: Sampson Bridgers and Elias Barnes. (H-285/286). July Term 1798: J. Barnes, C.C.
GILCHRIST 1787, May: John Moore to Arch. Sellars, May 1787; L150, 150 acres, being survey granted to said Moore by State pat. dtd 11 Nov. 1779. Wit: JOHN GILCHRIST and Archd. McEachern. (A-32/33) 1787, May 18: Archibald Little to WILLIAM GILCHRIST, 18 May 1787; L12, 100 acres on S side of McFail’s Swamp about half a mile above Neill Brown’s Bridge,.........January Term 1789, Robeson Co., N.C., Josiah Barnes, C.C. 1789, May 18: LG #1359 to JOHN GILCHRIST, 70 acres in Bladen Co., N.C. on E side of Drwoning Creek about 3/4ths of mile below Archibald Farley. Ent. 27 Apr. 1786; pat. 18 May 1789. (A-348/349) 1791, Feb. 13, # 689, p. 67. JOHN GILCHRIST enters 50 acres above Ephraim Fennl’s place; between Gum Swamp and Grooms Percoson. Robeson Co., N.C. Land Entries, 1787-1795. 1800, July 4: ANGUS GILCHRIST ( a late acting Surveyor for Rob. Co.) to Hector McNeill (Jailor), 4 July 1800; $40, 250 acres: (1) 50 acres on S side of Sizemore’s branch; (2) 100 acres on E side of Richland Swamp and W. of Mill Swamp, adj his own line; (3) 100 acres between Richland and the Mill Swamps, near lines of Archibald McNeill and Buie; it being part of a tract cont. 85,000 acres granted to John Gray Blount, Esqr., by states pat. #921 dtd. 6 Dec. 1794 and purchased at Sheriff’s Sale at the Court house in Lumberton on 7 Sept. 1798 for taxes due for yr. 1797, as by deed from Robert Haills, Esqr. (Sheriff) dtd 26 Sept. 1798. Wit: ARCHIBALD GILCHRIST and Isabella McKay. (290/291/292). July Term 1800, J. Barnes, C.C.. |