Olivia's Genealogy Site: I am a part of the GREAT CREATION!
This Web page is based on research of records known to be valid from State records, Federal records, manuscripts, and private papers. These records are land records, wills, and financial transactions center on the roots of the |
WHO AM I? And WHY I WANT TO KNOW. I know that I am a part of the GREAT CREATION! I know that there is, was, and always will be one CREATOR GOD! For those who are Christians like me who follow THE WORD called THE HOLY BIBLE know the CREATOR by many names but I call HIM, GOD. The bible tells us in the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis, that God created the heavens and the earth and all that lives and has its being on the earth. The word Genesis is of Greek origin and comes from the word, geneseos, which appears in the Greek translation of the bible from its original Hebrew. In Greek the word Genesis can mean "birth", "genealogy", or "history of origin" depending on its use in context. The first phrase in the Hebrew text of Genesis is "bereshith" which means "in the beginning". Therefore, we see that both in the Hebrew and the Greek the subject is the beginning. I was a part of that beginning. Genesis gives me a day by day description of that beginning and when and how I was formed. The bible tells me that before I was made the heavens and the earth were created but it was empty and dark and the spirit of the CREATOR hovered over the waters. Then the light was created and God saw that it was so good that he wanted to separate it from the darkness. He then called the light day and the darkness he called night. After that there was evening and the first day had passed. God's next act was to put an expanse between the water. The part above the expanse was called "sky" and the part below the expanse was called water. This work ended the second day. On the third day God gathered all of the water under the sky together and then separated it into dry ground that he called land and gathered other waters together that he called seas. God then proclaimed that the land would produce vegetation of all kinds and that the plants would be able to reproduce themselves. God looked around and said "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night to mark the seasons and days and years. Let there be two great lights one that is lesser to govern the night and the greater one to govern the day". He also scattered stars in the sky to give light to the earth. This completed the fourth day. On the fifth day God filled the waters with living creatures and let birds fly above the earth and the beautiful expanse of sky that He had created. The air was filled with every kind of bird and they swooped and glided and heard God call out to them to go and continue to reproduce themselves each of his own kind. The waters were filled with all the great creatures of the sea as they swam among the flora of the deep. God declared his work good, blessed them and challenged them to go and multiply. Having finished with the sky and sea God turned to the land and said that it must produce living creatures. He made the four legged, the ones that crawl, the ones that slide, the wild ones, the tame ones, and the two legged ones. On the very same day God said "Let us make man". Man will be made in my image, in my likeness and he will rule over all of the other animals that fly, swim, crawl, and walk on the earth. God then created male and female in His own image and likeness. God blessed them and gave them dominion over all of His other creation. God then looked over everything that he had made and declared it good. This completed the sixth day. After all of this work God rested on the seventh day. He blessed this seventh day and made it holy because on it He rested from all of the work that he had done. God made me. I am part of his creation but what happened on my personal genealogical track that led to the person I am today! BEGINNING THE SEARCH-